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Meet The Team


Up first we have Amber who is Managing Director for our amazing new brand ‘corkify’ she is a valuable team worker who always has solutions and is an incredible leader


Next up we have Zoë and Grace who are our Vice Managing Directors they’re always organised, are extremely engaging and always go away from our corkify meetings and come up with fantastic new ideas 


Izzy is our Company Secretary who is organised, coordinated and never misses any of our valuable team members ideas! She’s always good at making sure that we all know what to do ahead of the next meetings

Nancy, Lucy and Gabi are our Marketing Directors who are responsible for promoting corkify. They bring so much to our brand with they’re amazing designs and ideas on how to get more people to recognise corkify!


Amber and Georgia are part of the Art and Social Media Team. As you can see from all our social media pages, these girls know how to make our brand stand out with their fabulous designs and logos that draw in our audience! 


Scarlet and Freya manage all the Finance, helping corkify keep to our budget and ensures that the procurement of materials to make our fantastic products are at the lowest price so our business can make profit!


Anna and Lily work in Human Resources and these girls have excellent team work to bring our team together. They have the most amazing people skills to bring corkify more customers with their persuasion! They have the task of writing everyone’s UCAS forms at the end of the year!


Amelia works in Operations and organises the team so our company runs smoothly! She makes sure all our products are up to scratch for our amazing customers! She’s always cooperative and takes initiative within her role 



Eloise is our Sustainability Director and looks for sustainability in our corkify products. She brings lots of new ideas to the table on how we can make our products more sustainable for our customers! 


Sarah is part of Sales and is responsible for making sure our costs are fair for our customers! She always asks lots of questions at our team meetings to make sure we don’t miss anything out! 

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