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About The Cork

Corks are natural products however they are not collected as part of your doorstep recycling scheme. They are only disposed of if they are placed in a compost bin or if you take them to certain stores. As some types of corks can be recycled and others can’t, we are aware that once some of the corks have been recycled and repurposed, they then will end up in landfill as the corks are naturally impermeable, so they do not break down easily. This has a bad impact on the environment especially as some corks can take up to 200 years to biodegrade. As well as this, it takes approximately 300,000 wines corks to yield a ton of cork for recycling into a new product, which takes a long amount of time to collect and repurpose. At Corkify, we take the environment into consideration, so therefore we have decided to collect as many corks as we can to create a healthier and more sustainable environment.

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